资源名称:Windows PowerShell 2.0 Best Practices 英文版 

Apply best practices for automating system administration withWindows PowerShell 2.0 and optimize your operational efficiency andresults. This guide captures the field-tested tips, real-worldlessons, and candid advice of practitioners across the range ofbusiness and technical scenarios and across the *ing lifecycle. Discover how to:
Take advantage of new features and cmdlets in WindowsPowerShell 2.0
Plan *ing usage scenarios and define standards DeployWindows PowerShell 2.0 to desktops and servers
Configure *ing environments
Optimize remote *ing capabilities
Work with Active Directory(r) and WMI
Design functions and modules
Optimize input and output
Handle errors
Document *s
Test and troubleshoot *s
Avoid *ing pitfalls
The companion CD includes a fully searchable eBook and sample*s.
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Windows PowerShell 2.0 Best Practices 英文版_数据结构教程


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